Sorry. Just had to get that out! All I've heard all week from Sharpton and Dyson is that because Vick is black, for one reason or another, he should be handled with kid gloves. This is supreme bullshit of the first order.
If they really wanted to help Vick instead of their own agenda, they could have argued that animals should not be covered by law and there is no basis in the constitution for their protection, or that there is an unfair bias in the law towards domesticated pets as opposed to veal, lab rats, cockroaches, and minks. One could argue that pets are property and should be subject to the owner's will. Torturing earthworms you buy at a baitshop isn't a crime. Why can't you get a dogfighting license like you do for hunting deer and fishing? After all, dogs get euthanized on a daily basis in this country anyway, right?
But no, it's not his fault because he's black. The authorities and the media are picking on him because they have a black bias. Not a celebrity bias, a black bias. It's not that he he gets paid a disgusting amount of money to throw a ball around and then acts like a neanderthal , heavans no! It's because he's black. That's it Al, keep infantalizing your people so they will stay dependent on you. "Heck of a job, Brownie!".
All I know is, if all that Mr. Sharpton and Mr. Dyson say is correct, there must be a drunk white chick bias too!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Shove It Al!
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
1:03 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm Behind You Rudy
Rudy The Serial Adulterer And Cousin Fucker was the most hated man in NY on Sept 10th, 2001, his best buddy Bernie is a confessed felon and under indictment again, he is as corrupt and incompetent as the day is long (and his record proves it), he's a womanizer and a cross dresser, and he looks and talks like a character from Goodfellas.
Please let him be the nominee.
By the time the "liberal media" get done with him, Paris Hilton will look like a
more serious candidate than he.
On the other hand, a man with his penchant for mistresses would probably keep abortion rights in tact...self-intrest and all.
jeff valcarcel | Homepage | 08.20.07 - 1:51 pm | #
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
10:51 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Queens Of The Stone Age
"Misfit" as performed on The Henry Rollins Show
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
9:35 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
A Message From Senator Russ Feingold (D) ,Wisconsin
Six years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, Congress rammed through the USA PATRIOT Act with little consideration of what that bill actually contained. Five years ago, Congress authorized a reckless and ill-advised war in Iraq. One year ago, Congress passed the deeply flawed Military Commissions Act. And late last week, a Democratic Congress passed legislation that dramatically expands the government's ability to conduct warrantless wiretapping, which could affect innocent Americans. It is clear that many congressional Democrats have not learned from those earlier mistakes, two of which happened when Democrats controlled the Senate. Once again, Congress has buckled to pressure and intimidation by the administration.
It should go without saying, but it's important to repeat: every member of Congress supports wiretapping terrorists. And no one thinks that the government should have to get a court order to listen to communications between suspected terrorists in foreign countries, even if those communications happen to pass through the U.S. The FISA bill Congress passed late last week was the latest example of the administration exploiting a legitimate problem to make an outrageous power grab - and unfortunately, it was also just the latest example of Congress giving in to the president's fear-mongering. The very last thing we should be doing is granting this administration -- and this Attorney General in particular -- more authority to conduct wiretaps without adequate judicial supervision. It is the abuse of power by this administration that is one of the main reasons this president and attorney general should be censured.
The American people see through these tactics, and don't buy the president's attempts to use the threat of terrorism to get what he wants any more. Unfortunately, 16 Senate Democrats and an Independent, as well as 41 House Democrats were all too willing last week to let the president successfully employ this ruse yet again.
The bill the president signed yesterday gives free rein to the government to wiretap all the communications of anyone who happens to be outside the United States, for whatever reason, without court oversight. That includes U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad, U.S. service members in Iraq, or journalists reporting from overseas. And that includes the calls and emails of anyone outside the country to people in the U.S. This goes far, far beyond the identified problem of foreign to foreign communications that we all agree should be fixed. What little judicial review the bill does provide is essentially meaningless. The FISA court will decide only whether the government certification that it has put reasonable procedures in place to direct its surveillance against people reasonably believed to be abroad is clearly erroneous. That's nothing more than a rubber stamp. And it provides no protection for Americans who may be calling or e-mailing friends, family or business partners overseas and who have done absolutely nothing wrong.
After all the wrong-doing by this administration, it was disheartening to see Congress bow to its demands one more time. But there is a silver lining to that dark cloud. The Democratic leadership in both the House and the Senate proposed alternative bills that addressed legitimate concerns about foreign-to-foreign communications while also doing a better job of protecting innocent Americans than what the administration was proposing. In particular, Majority Leader Reid, Intelligence Committee Chairman Rockefeller, and Armed Services Committee Chairman Levin responded to specific concerns a number of us raised about a draft Democratic proposal in the Senate. The resulting Senate Democratic bill was far from perfect, but it was vastly better than the administration's proposal.
I am also encouraged by Speaker Nancy Pelosi's call for fixing this flawed legislation as soon as Congress reconvenes in September. We should not delay passing a bill that will end Alberto Gonzales's six-month, oversight-free surveillance holiday. The president will undoubtedly oppose these efforts and the Republicans in the Senate will no doubt filibuster any efforts to reinstate judicial involvement and tighten the controls around the president's eavesdropping authorities. In the face of that expected opposition, Democrats will need to stick together this time to fix the mess that we just created. And at least some Republicans will have to be convinced to support the Constitution.
Clearly, this will be an uphill fight. But it's a fight worth having. Our constitutional rights should not be sacrificed to scare tactics. Congress must stand up to the president. The sooner that Democrats realize that standing tough on national security doesn't mean giving into the administration, the better off they - and the country - will be.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
5:42 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Absolutely Fucking Disgusting!
TPM Cafe-
Today was a historic first for religion in America's civic life: For the very first time, a Hindu delivered the morning invocation in the Senate chamber — only to find the ceremony disrupted by three Christian right activists. read more
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
2:57 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
No Sean, Fuck You
Hannity had media "expert" Brent Bozo, I mean Bozell to discuss an obscure blogger's statements
regarding assclown Limbaugh and Ted "Stranglehold" Nudget. After some rich and creamy bullshit came the clincher: WATCH
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
11:43 AM
Fair Use And Disney
video by Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
8:56 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Weekly Simpsons
This is a new feature I'm going to try. Enjoy the first installment
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
11:16 PM
Conservatives Heart The ACLU!
Tucker Carlson recently said that the ACLU "carries water for the Democratic party". I find it interesting that an organization committed to defending the Bill Of Rights is automatically viewed by conservatives as pro liberal. Bill O'Reilly calls them "the most dangerous organization in America!"
Really?? Not the Aryan Youth or The Klan or whatever group the McVeighs belonged to?
They seem to be tacitly admitting that conservatives don't like/ believe/ defend our civil liberties and that that is the realm of liberals/Democrats, no?
Why do they hate us for our freedom?
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
6:41 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Can We Get Off Of Rosie Now?
I've never liked Rosie O'Donnell as a comedian (can't stand NY accents for one thing), but I do agree with her politically (mostly) and I especially appreciate what she has done for gay families. Her political rhetoric aside, she has been stalked by the right-wing press ever since she came out of the closet. This isn't about her political views, it's about trying to keep television free of overtly gay voices. Yes her political views help draw fire, but it didn't begin with that(she's been anti-gun for a while now and she wasn't ever a lead story back then,not even during the million woman march.).
This is smear the queer, get off our television you left wing dyke! Ann Coulter, Bill Cunningham, Dennis Prager, and Rush Limbaugh, to name a few, say more outrages things on a minute by minute basis than Rosie has ever said, yet they never seem to be the lead story(except Ann-hole, who was invited on most of the shows to spin her defense of her "harpie" comment.).
Know why? *whisper* They're not gay!
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
5:46 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Imus Isn't Even Original, So Let's Stop Pretending He Is
John Gibson, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Melanie Morgan, Marc Levin, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham, to name just a few, have REPEATEDLY used the PUBLIC AIRWAVES to say things that range from racist/homophobic/liberal-phobic statements, or "jokes", to outright calls for violence, or as they would say, "jokes".
So crucify Imus for all I care, but you better buy A LOT of nails and TWICE as much wood, because there are PLENTY of shitbags on your radio and T.V. and Imus isn't even the biggest, ugliest one.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
2:35 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Hell Hath No Irony Like A Miller Scorned
I don't mean to get on a rant here, but I was watching Dennis Miller on O'Reilly Factor talking about people killing their careers in showbiz because of the personal positions they espouse. Ironic, huh? Dennis Miller! That's right, the Dennis Miller who used to be on the most successful sketch comedy show in history. The same Dennis Miller who, since 9/11 and before, has gone from SNL and his own HBO show to getting fired from Monday Night Football, fired from CNBC (CNBC?), and who is now a righty radio talk-show host and Fox News contributer, up there with such successful Americans as Ollie North, Mark Fuhrman, and Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum. Interesting that he's talking about Rosie O'Donnell who is on a major network and has more viewers. Really Dennis, that's as ironic as Ted Haggard blowing a male prostitute for crystal meth. Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
9:23 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Party Of The Ol' South
And they wonder why they can't get the black vote.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
4:14 PM
For Fuck's Sake, Somebody Listen Already!
Joe Biden gets it right on the money.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
4:04 PM
Friday, February 2, 2007
Time-Warner: "We Are Sorry You Are All So, So, Stupid!"
In a series of Boston newspaper ads today, Time-Warner group apologized for the confusion caused by their guerilla ad campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Should they have? What did they do? Nothing as far as I can see. The apologies should come from the Boston P.D., for being so stupid that they thought a lite-brite was a bomb, and from this administration, for so scaring a populace that someone would actually think that a child's toy could legitimately be a an explosive device. Time-Warner should have said "Go fuck yourselves you scared idiots", but it didn't. Instead, it chose to apologize for the mind-blowing stupidity of others. No respect here for Time-Warner today.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
10:07 AM
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Is Conservatism Even A Serious Philosophy Anymore?
I want to take this time to thank all the moronic assholes who deny science, facts, and reason because they believe it has a political bias. Thank you! You have done what Democrats have been trying to do for years: marginalize you! The more you talk, the more votes liberals get.
Whoever is telling you that trying to take this country back to the fifties is a good political strategy, keep listening to them. It's working like gangbusters so far. Thanks to you, the Republican Party has gone from a national movement to the preferred party of mega-churches and scared pussies who would hand over their liberties in a heartbeat rather than accept the risks of living in a free society.
Thank You. We couldn't have done it without you.
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
1:34 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Open letter to Sean Hannity: Fuck You, Shut UP, and Drop Dead!
This is my maiden post on my shiny new blog, so I think I'll start by cleansing myself of a little anger.
Sean Hannity, construction worker, bartender, college dropout, and career bloviator:
FUCK YOU, SHUT UP, AND DROP DEAD! Who the fuck are you? You have no experience in anything other than broadcasting, yet you think you can talk to Wesley Clark like he's a retard and NOT the former Nato Allied Commander? You have no expertise in anything but flapping your stupid Irish gums, yet you think you are qualified to discuss the Fairness Doctrine with a U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate? Or arguing with with a climatologist on global warming, which, unless they taught earth science at bartending school, I don't think that you are qualified to do. You are living proof that a putz with no education can become rich in America and that your profession, "punditry", takes no education or qualifications at all.
As for all you others: Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Neil Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, and on, and on: FUCK YOU, SHUT UP, AND DROP DEAD!
Posted by
The Political Bastard Times
6:44 PM
Labels: Sean Hannity